Monday, August 6, 2007

Work in a way so that someone will want you to be their 2nd man.

Long before I accepted the position of being Jefe’s 2nd man, I worked as if I already had the job. When I told him I would change the direction I was going to be his helper, he didn’t have to ask about my work ethic or my loyalty. He knew where I stood because I had proven myself with him long before that time.

Many people think that just because they get a degree or say they are called to preach they deserve a position.

If you want to be a 2nd man then go ahead and act like you have the position and someday you may actually get chosen and paid for it. Luke 10:7 says for the laborer is worthy of his hire.

A few of the students we have in the Our Generation Training Center really act like they want to be paid staff. They work tireless hours without any pay at all. They are here to train for the ministry, but they don’t just work so they will be prepared for the future. They work because they have a heart and desire to please the Lord today. I would hire any one of them in a heartbeat if we had the available funds.

Don’t expect someone to want you to be their 2nd man just because you volunteered for the position.

Make sure you work in a way that people will seek you out to work for them.

1 comment:

Bro. Wayne said...

Great article! My pastor Bro. Paul Forsyth use to exhort me when I was his assistant.... "Sweep the room your in and God might give you a bigger room." (if it is God's will.)
God going to use your blog to encourage many 2nd men and God knows they need it.
Keep up the good exhortations. I'm going to be sure Jason subscribe to your blog. Keep on writing. Good stuff.