Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I was reading this morning in Genesis how Abraham sent his servant to get a wife for his son Isaac. In Genesis 24:10 it says that all the goods of Abraham were in the hands of his servant.

I was amazed to see the loyalty that Abraham had in his servant. First of all he trusted him to pick out a wife for his son and then he trusted him with all his goods.

I can remember when I was 21 years old and was living in Peru, Jefe and the whole family left for three months to attend his daughter Stephanie's wedding. During those three months I was put in charge of handling all the bills and finances of both Jefe and his son Chris.

I can remember as a 21 year old student how neat it was for two successful missionaries to trust me enough to handle the money for both of their ministries. I am not sure I deserved that kind of trust but it was definitely very honoring.

Are you a person that your 1st man can trust with everything he has? Could he give you a key to his house or all his credit cards and not have to worry about you spending one single dime that he wouldn’t approve of.

Make sure you keep a testimony where people can trust in you. Never do anything that will cause doubt. Be above reproach and take better care of the possessions of your 1st man than you would your own possessions.

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